

The Daydream has never been at the public exposure; even the media don’t know his real name. Tears is recorded in The Daydream album with New Age style of piano. The genre is slow and quiet, with slight sadness. listen to the album, you may think of a past love and hate...... You may feel a little bit sad, a little bit of nostalgia, and then charmed. The Daydream album: 01. Tears 02. You and Me 03. Beautiful Lady 04. Walking With You 05. I Miss You 06. Rainy Sunday 07. Daydream 08. Valentines Day 09. Love is.. I 10. Wedding 11. Love is.. II 12. Questions 13. Stepping on the Rainy Street 14. Raves Damour 15. Les larmes De Joie

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